List of the ragtime guitar tunes (Updated Jan 28. 2008)

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I hope anyone will add further information to this list.

Canal Crow (2007) Takashi Hamada
CD: Canal Crow / Kenji Komatsuzaki + Takashi Hamada NEW!!
Candy, The (1909) Clarence Jones
cassette: Scott Joplin's Dream / Hideo Shinma
Candyman (?) Reverend Gary Davis
CD: Delia -Late Concert Recordings 1970-71 / Reverend Gary Davis
CD: Shake That Thing / Stefan Grossman
LP: The Immortal Mississippi John Hurt / Mississippi John Hurt
LP: Live... In Concert (2LP) / John Renbourn & Stefan Grossman
LP: Hot Dogs! / Stefan Grossman
LP: The Guitar And Banjo Of Reverend Gary Davis / Reverend Gary Davis
LP: Ragtime Guitar / Reverend Gary Davis (as "Two Step...")
LP: Ragtime Guitar / Reverend Gary Davis (as "Waltz Time...")
Cannonball Blues (?) Jelly Roll Morton?
LP: King Porter Stomp / Lasse Johansson
Cannonball Rag (1960?) Merle Travis
CD: La Guitare A Dadi Vol.2 -Early Recordings Jamboree- / Marcel Dadi
CD: Live & Pickin'! / Thom Bresh
CD: The Atkins-Travis Travellin' Show / Chet Atkins & Merle Travis
CD: Walkin' The Strings / Merle Travis (as "Cannon Ball Stomp")
CD: Just My Style / Eddie Pennington with Cary Black
CD: Boy Wonder / Lenny Breau
Carbolic Rag (?) ?
LP: Appalachian Fiddle Tunes For Guitar / Seth Austin
Carolina Shout (1918?) James P. Johnson
CD: The First Nashville Guitar Quartet / Chet Atkins
LP: Steel String Guitar / Steve Hancoff
Cascades, The (1904) Scott Joplin
CD: Carlos Barbosa-Lima Plays The Entertainer & Selected Works By Scott Joplin / Carlos Barbosa-Lima
CD: Scott Joplin On Guitar Vol.2 / Giovanni De Chiaro
CD: Ragtime for Guitar / Kazunobu Uetsuji
Castle House Rag (1914) James Reese Europe
LP: The New Ragtime Guitar / David Laibman & Eric Schoenberg
Cataract Rag (1914) Robert Hampton
CD: Fingerpicking Guitar Delights / V.A. (Lasse Johansson & Claes Palmqvist)
CD: Arco Iris / Hideo Shinma
LP: Novelty Guitar Instrumentals / V.A. (Lasse Johansson & Claes Palmqvist)
cassette: Ragtime Guitar Live / Hideo Shinma
Cat's Eyes Rag (1991) Takashi Hamada
CD: Ragtime Guitar / Takashi Hamada
Cedar Creek Rag (1989) Pat Kirtley
CD: Kentuckey Guitar / Pat Kirtley
Chromatic Rag (1916) Will Held
CD: Fingerpicking Guitar Delights / V.A. (Lasse Johansson & Claes Palmqvist)
LP: Masters Of The Ragtime Guitar / V.A. (Lasse Johansson & Claes Palmqvist)
Chriss Rag (1958-1962?) ?
SP: Pat Sullivan Blues / John Fahey
Chrysanthemum, The (1904) Scott Joplin
CD: Carlos Barbosa-Lima Plays The Entertainer & Selected Works By Scott Joplin / Carlos Barbosa-Lima
CD: Scott Joplin On Guitar / Giovanni De Chiaro
CD: Climax Rag / Takashi Hamada
CD: Ragtime for Guitar / Kazunobu Uetsuji
Cincinatti Flow Rag (?) Reverend Gary Davis
CD: Delia -Late Concert Recordings 1970-71 / Reverend Gary Davis
CD: Blues & Rags / Antoine "HotDog" Payen
LP: Live... In Concert (2LP) / John Renbourn & Stefan Grossman
LP: Ragtime Guitar / Reverend Gary Davis
LP: Hot Dogs! / Stefan Grossman
Circle Rag, The (2001-2002) Mitsushi Saitoh
CD: From a Long Distance Away / Mitsushi Saitoh
Circus Rag (?) Marcel Dadi
CD: Guitar Legend Volume 2 / Marcel Dadi
Clap (197?) Steve Howe
CD: Not Necessarily Acoustic / Steve Howe
LP: The Yes Album / Yes
Cleopatra Rag (1915) Joseph F. Lamb
LP: Masters Of The Ragtime Guitar / V.A. (Duck Baker)
Cleopha (1902) Scott Joplin
CD: Scott Joplin On Guitar Vol.4 / Giovanni De Chiaro
CD: Ragtime for Guitar / Kazunobu Uetsuji
cassette: Scott Joplin Ragtime for Guitar cassette tape / Kazunobu Uetsuji
Climax Rag (1914) James Scott
CD: Climax Rag / Takashi Hamada
CD: Live Ragging / Takashi Hamada
Clown's Dream (2000) Takashi Hamada & Kazutaka Muromachi
CD: Orion / Takashi Hamada
Cocain Blues (?) Reverend Gary Davis
LP: Live... In Concert (2LP) / John Renbourn & Stefan Grossman
LP: Acoustic Guitar / Stefan Grossman (featuring John Renbourn)
Coconut Dance (?) Vess Ossman?
LP: Famous Fingerpicking Guitar Solos / Ton Van Bergeyk
Combination March (1896) Scott Joplin
CD: Scott Joplin On Guitar Vol.3 / Giovanni De Chiaro
CD: Ragtime for Guitar / Kazunobu Uetsuji
Contentment Rag (1915) Joseph F. Lamb
LP: Classical Ragtime Guitar / David Laibman
Coonville's Cullud Band (1904) Fletcher Meakim (as medley)
CD: The Past Is Yet To Come / Craig Ventresco
Corncracker Rag (1968) Tom Shea
CD: Arco Iris / Hideo Shinma
cassette: Scott Joplin's Dream / Hideo Shinma
Cottontail Rag (1959) Joseph F. Lamb
LP: Classical Ragtime Guitar / David Laibman
Country Club (1909) Scott Joplin
CD: Scott Joplin On Guitar Vol.2 / Giovanni De Chiaro
CD: Ragtime for Guitar / Kazunobu Uetsuji
Courtship Of The Squirrels (2005?) David Laibman
DVD: Guitar Artistry Of David Laibman / David Laibman NEW!!
C-Rag (1988) Junji Ariyama
CD: After Hours / Isato Nakagawa with Junji Ariyama (Junji Ariyama)
C-Rag (?) Reverend Gary Davis
LP: Ragtime Guitar / Reverend Gary Davis
Creole Belles (1900) J. Bodewalt Lampe
CD: Fingerpicking Guitar Delights / V.A. (Lasse Johansson)
LP: Masters Of The Ragtime Guitar / V.A. (Lasse Johansson)
LP: Acoustic Guitar / Stefan Grossman (featuring John Renbourn) (as "My ...")
CD: Bermuda Triangle Exit / Stefan Grossman & Tokio Uchida (as "My ...") NEW!!
Cycling Rag (2001-2002) Mitsushi Saitoh
CD: From a Long Distance Away / Mitsushi Saitoh

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